visual relationships between art and science....maybe
geno… genomix… genome baby maker is an interactive
online installation created by one of the UK’s
leading web artists. It allows members of the public
to cross reference all the patterns on the genome sequence
and intermix or breed their own variables allowing them
to look at the new mix of chromosomes in real time,
objective is to provide a seductive, multi-sensory non
-linear and interactive experience for the audience
to immerse into. Cellular forms replicate and are linked
to a generative audio system.
versions will allow you to keep and print this pattern
and to have bed-spreads and curtains made in your very
own post genetic mix.....mutant..Amorphoscapes allow
the user to experience each artwork differently,
depending on how they choose to navigate.
well as providing this non linearity, the pieces changes
over time . The user controls these evolving
pieces through movement.The character of the resulting
piece is unique to the user. This change in the relationship
between the user and the artist changes
the perception of the artwork. At any time the user
can make subtle or total change to the work.