targetted commission for the Future Physical web site
takes the form of an unfolding love story. Love on the
Internet, echoing through servers and cables, packets
of information containing hopes and fears. Love and
the idea of love as a name, an electronic address, perceived
identity, the flesh of emotion. Internet love stories
have become the passion of the moment: more and more
people are meeting online and mixing the emotional with
the virtual.
This project is an attempt to distil raw feeling into
pixels and to pick through the melee of online courtship.
Using rich imagery, text, sound, interactivity and animation
a sumptuous ether world of beating hearts and broken
communication builds through filmic moments and poetic
game-play. Love Story is fundamentally about identity:
who is the narrator, who is the love object, what do
they know about each other, where does this passion
come from and where is it going to?
