the future physical forum!
To post a question or participate in an existing dialogue.
club night
thursday 3 april 2003
the junction,
clifton road, cambridge, CB1 7GX
entry: £5
time: 20:00–01:00
live webcast: click
here to access
Socket: I Am The Mighty Jungulator (performance at 21:30),
Charm Offensive, DJ YAKA & visuals by Sarah Gibson and
CellBytes, live telematic bytes of dance/performance The CellBytes
crew, Raya ,2BitTV and Kingsuk Biswas (Bedouin Ascent) collaborate
again for a specially created performance/web club mix of
eclectic sound and visuals integrating live digital performance.
immersive and enchanting merge of bodies, data and space.
Socket present a live multi-media performance using their
selfauthored software instrument – The Mighty Jungulator.
Scraps of images and sounds are fed, processed and projected
through the Jungulator and mixed fluidly with improvised clarinet,
electric bass and synthesiser. The resulting ever evolving
show is a compelling, post-everything experience.
is a shinkansen production in collaboration with Future Physical
(shinkansen/East England Arts), London Arts and Groovy Gecko,
produced with The Junction for RESPOND. Socket performance
with support from Sonic Arts Network.
fp links>>
Feb 2003
cluster 2001
cellbytes 2001
on the night
2bit tv
@ the junction
performance – work in progress
Sheron Wray (UK) and Fleeta Siegel (US)
friday 4 april 2003
APU, east road, cambridge, CB1 1PT
entry: £5
time: 20:00 (with post show discussion)
your mobiles with you for the one performance where you will
not be asked to switch them off !!
a Legal Secretary arrives home early to prepare herself for
her first real date with Jerome. She’s just bought a
new pair of shoes to go with one of those outfits.
the moment she drops her keys on the kitchen table, the text
arrives from J — he has been delayed but will be there
soon. From optimism to despair from knowing to kneeling in
prayer, Grace's dilemmas and insecurities unfold as she figures
out what to do with this unexpected time on her hands. Together
with the influence of the audience she decides exactly what
to wear, who she might call if he doesn't show up as well
as trying to reassemble a photofit image of what Jerome really
looks like.
After all they had only met in a dimly lit club going on for
two weeks ago. Since then all they have been doing is texting
out their territory.
The multi-media, non-linear narrative breaks the line between
the audience and the performing artists; it is told through
texting/photo-messaging, dance, music, spoken word and animation.
Texterritory is a Future Physical commission supported by
Textploitation, produced by Plan B and Feedback 33 with support
from NESTA, Arts Council Dance Department, Digit and PD3.
to Film
friday 4 april 2003
picture house, 38-39 st andrew's street, cambridge,
entry: £5.80/ £3.80 (members/concessions)
time: 22:30
Message to the Seventh Generation’
A film by Max Pugh and Marc Silver.
This film celebrates indigenous world views in the global fight
against Biopiracy – the new colonialism. From the Cook
Islands to New Zealand, from Vanuatu to the Earth Summit in
Johannesburg, we have been asking indigenous people for their
views on Western science—its vision of a genetically engineered
future and its deep links with corporate profits, globalisation
and colonisation. Combining passionate critiques of our potential
futures and living alternatives to the globalised monoculture
with music and stunning visuals, this film will take its audiences
on a journey into truths they thought disappeared long ago—inspiring
and educating them to ask serious questions of the collective
illusion we call progress. |
of Travellin’
A short film by Stan Mytkowski (Chenko)
An abstract audio-visual journey. Close your eyes, relax and
move. |
Remote Controller
A DV sound/video piece by People Like Us (UK)
Media artist Vicki Bennett (People Like Us) is renowned for
her ironic and humorous take on life. For this work she samples
multiple image and sound footage from ”Orphan films“
(educational films sourced from 80,000 held in the Prelinger
Archives). Historically she explores the subject of experimentation
in human body and machine interfaces—its successes and
pitfalls—in the 20th century. The piece is in development
to become an interactive installation work later in 2003.
The Remote Controller is a Future Physical Research Commission
with support from the Prelinger Archives (New York/San Francisco)
and the Internet Archive.
fp links>>
performance – work in progress
Isabel Rocamora (UK)
saturday 5 april 2003
college auditorium, hills road, cambridge, CB2 2PH
entry: free (limited places, please book)
times: 18:30 & 20:00 (with post show
Anti-gravity artist Isabel Rocamora creates a live solo promenade
performance piece. Memory Release explores the physical process
of accessing and experiencing visual memories. The piece draws
from the mechanisms of encoding and recalling and their relationship
to brain and body in Neuroscience and Eastern Medicine.
Rocamora creates an intimate environment where the promenade
audience directly experiences the journey of live data through
an external nervous system. The data is originated by the
hanging body and runs through motion capture and processing
software resulting in video representations of visual memory
traces. As the body remembers, so it edits its own memories
live, intrinsically connecting the physical with the immaterial.
Rocamora collaborates with programmer Chris Fayers and research
artist Camila Valenzuela to create a meditation on the human
inner landscape.
Release is a Future Physical Research Commission produced
by Infinito, co-produced by essexdance as associate artist,
supported by Dance East and Colchester Arts Centre and Arts
Council Dance Department.
Credit | Martin Figura |